You may have noticed that there are many tool sites on the internet, through which you can check the internet speed.
Do you know how to make an Internet speed test meter tool in WordPress?
We shared a script below, you can put it on any kind of html site. Then your internet speed meter tool is ready.
Internet Speed Meter on (Blogger)
- Create a blogger Site and Open the Blogger dashboard in your site.
- Now Create a New Page.
- Now Open the New Page Editor.
- Click on Edit Code Editor <> .
- Where you want to place your tool, Then paste the Script.
Yes! Ready your Speed Meter tool in your blogger Site.
Internet Speed Meter on (HTML Page)
- Open your Static HTML site.
- Open the HTML Page editor.
- Where you want to Place your tool, Then Paste the Script and Done.
Yes! Ready your Internet Speed Meter tool in your Static HTML Site.
Internet Speed Meter Tool on (WordPress)
- Create a WordPress Page. Dashboard > Pages > Add new
- Now Open the Page Editor.
- Click on three dot (:) and convert the HTML page form.
- Where you want to Place the Internet Speed meter tool, Then paste the tool script.
- Now Publish the Page.
Congratulations! Your WordPress tool site is ready and ready to go.
Copy This Script
Now Copy the complete Script and Publish your site to different platform.
<div style="text-align:right;"><div style="min-height:360px;"><div style="width:100%;height:0;padding-bottom:50%;position:relative;"><iframe style="border:none;position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;min-height:360px;border:none;overflow:hidden !important;" src="//"></iframe></div></div>Speed test service provider: <a href=""></a></div>
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Thanks for Visiting our site and Hopefully enjoy your tool Website.