Youtube Thumbnail Downloader Source Code

If You are finding the Youtube Thumbnail Downloader tool on blogger. This is the Right Place to you. Because You can Download this Script for free and earn money With Your adsense.

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Youtube Thumbnail Downloader Script for blogger

How to Customize The Colour and Link

Before setting up a Blogger account with the YouTube Thumbnail Downloader script, you first need to change some of its links and you can also change its color.

➥ For that, first, you have to go to Notepad ++ Editor and Paste all codes. Then find on yoursite and replace your Blogger Site URL.

➥ If You Want to Change Your Site Colour. Then Find the Colour Hex Code, CTRL+ F to Find on # and You will see the all color coding. Then Change your Layout color according to your choice. Finally, Save it.

Download more Wishing Script: Click here

How to Setup Youtube Thumbnail Downloader Script

➥ Create a Blogger Account.

➥ Then Click on Edit HTML. Open Your all existing Code.

➥ Press on CTRL+A to all Select and Then Press on Delete button to your Keyboard.

➥ Finally Copy This Source Code in below this selection and Paste all Code to Your Blogger Theme Section and Save it.

Source Code

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  <meta content='YouTube Thumbnail Generator automatically grab "High Quality" Thumbnails (Screenshots) from YouTube videos' name='Description'/>   
  <meta content='youtube, thumbnail, generator, screenshots, image generator, picture generator, maker, photo, creater,' name='Keywords'/>   
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  This blog was founded & Modify by Techly360   
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  <script src='' type='text/javascript'></script>   
  <div id='hd'>   
  <img alt='youtube thumbnail generator' src='' title='High Quality YouTube Video Thumbnail Generator'/>   
  <h1>High Quality YouTube Video Thumbnail Generator</h1>   
  <p>YouTube Thumbnail Generator automatically take "High Quality" Screenshots (Thumbnails or Images) from YouTube videos. Paste your YouTube Video URL (<span></span>) in the below box and Click on "LETS GO" button. Within Second it will generate your sweet thumbnails.</p>   
  <form onsubmit='showHide(); return false;'><input autocomplete='off' id='vid' placeholder='' type='text'/><input id='videoButton' onclick='showDiv()' type='submit' value='LETS GO'/></form>   
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  <p id='iam'>Designed by yoursite</p>   
  <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>   
  <script type='text/javascript'>   
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Video Tutorial

We will be Providing the Complete Video Tutorial in Hindi. Here I will Discuss the Proper Setup in this Script to your Blogger Account for free.

Hopefully, Help this Youtube thumbnail downloader script and You earn limitless money through your Adsense Account. Thanks for Spending Your valuable time to our blog.

Good Bye

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