How to Add Download Timer to Your WordPress Site

Hey Developers, This article we will share a technic, Where you increase your Adsense revenue. This article we tell you, How to add Download Timer to your WordPress site. This method only works on WordPress site.


Setup Download Timer

Please carefully follow every point, If you any mistakes, Then you may face some error.

How to Insert PHP Code

Open on WordPress Panel. Then Click on Appearance >> Theme Editor.

Theme Editor : Click on footer.php

Scroll down and Paste this PHP code after wp_footer(); and Finish.

Install WordPress Plugin

Click on Plugins and Then Click on add new and Search on Ultimate Sortcode. Then Install and Activate

How to add the Button

Click New Post and Click on add block (+) button and Search on Classic editor. Then click on [ ] symbol and Choose ❤️ Button. Then customize your button and fill your destination link and Then Add Shortcodes.

How to Insert Shortcodes

Find the Sortcode and Copy this code id=”download” and Paste before URL on the button Sortcodes and update your post.

How to Download Codes

[su_button id=”download” url=”” target=”blank” background=”#f85d23″ size=”5″ center=”yes” radius=”round”]DOWNLOAD[/su_button]

So Guys If you Properly follow this point, then you successfully add the download timer button. Hopefully, understand my process. If any doubt, watch this video till the end and comment below this post.

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